Collaborative traveling, made easier


I was traveling in many parts of Southeast Asia while studying abroading at the National University of Singapore. I traveled many times with different groups and even solo and thought that my planning/traveling needs were not addressed by any website/apps so I decided to design my own.


To design an app that would address the different needs of collaborative traveling. Simplify communication and coordination between travelers.


Competitive Research

To get inspiration for my mobile app, I conductive competitive research on the top 5 travel tools that people use to when traveling. I looked at features but more importantly how these apps performed under certain needs.


I then conducted a needfinding interview in order to discover some user needs. I observed 5 participants planning a group schedule with friends and recorded over 30 needs. I highlighted important overlapped needs:


User Stories

I wanted to consider 3 main user stories in order to align my features to certain needs:

As an organizer I want an efficient way to add and manage the trip so that spend less time planning and more time enjoying

As a joining member I want an intuitive understanding of how the app works so that I can contribute to group decisions

As a regular user I want clear display and access of itineraries and todos so I can speed up my workflow



I organized the features that I wanted to build in a MoSCoW chart in order to priortize my interactive features

User Flow